Plywood produced with the face and back of Okoume and the interior of other types of wood (Poplar, Fromager, Ilomba). B / BB quality.
Dimensions: 2500 x 1220 mm
Thickness: from 2 to 40 mm.
Gluing: Class I and II, low in Formaldehyde according to the European Standard EN-314.
Applications: Furniture, interior design and architecture, interior doors.
Technical characteristics:
Density: 440 kg / m3 – 490 kg / m3, UNE EN 323
Modulus of Elasticity: 3,800 N / mm2 – 5,000 N / mm2, UNE EN 310.
Screw start resistance: 135 kgf, UNE EN 320.
Humidity: 6% – 14%, UNE EN 322.