Legal Notice - Enisa Trading EN
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Welcome to the website owned by ENISA TRADING S.L with NIF: B97057764 onwards also (THE COMPANY) To comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of 11 July on information society services and electronic commerce, then indicates the general information of this website and establishes the email account as the primary means of communication. The data are complete:



Avenida Primado Reig,86 pta. 16

46010 Valencia, Spain

Tel. 978 714064


Conditions of use


The exposed conditions are subject to changes and updates so that the version published by THE COMPANY may be different each time the User accesses the Web Site. Therefore, the User must read and accept that he understands the Legal Notice in all the pages that he visits of the Site, being able to exercise his rights in the account of mail indicated above in case of incomprehension or opposition. It is understood that if you do not exercise these rights, you consent that you UNDERSTAND and ACCEPT EXPLICITLY AND INEQUIVOCALLY THE CONDITIONS OF THIS WEBSITE.


If the User does not agree with the clauses and conditions of use of this Legal Notice, he/she will abstain from using the Page.


The present conditions regulate the use of the website where information is provided to the public regarding the services of THE COMPANY. Please read carefully the information we provide. Accessing this website and using the materials contained in it implies that you have read and accept, without reservation, these conditions. This Web Site contains web content, e.g. products/services, either our own or those of third parties, for commercial purposes. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of this website, you are informed that the website content may be modified, developed or updated at any time without prior notice.


The simple and mere use of the Web Site grants the condition of User of the same one, being physical or juridical person and obligatorily implies the complete, full acceptance and without reserves of each and every one of the clauses and general conditions included in the Legal Warning.


In accordance with the provisions, we inform you that the User will not be able to:

Delete, manipulate or in any way alter the copyright and other data identifying the reservation of rights of or their owners, fingerprints and / or digital identifiers, or any other technical means established for its recognition.
Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way publicly communicate, transform or modify the Contents, unless you have the explicit written permission of THE COMPANY, which owns the corresponding rights, or that it is legally permitted.


Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights


The totality of the content of this website, understood as content by way of example, texts, images, files, photographs, logos, graphics, brands, icons, combinations of colours, or any other element, its structure and design, the selection and form of presentation of the materials included in it, and the software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source codes necessary for its operation, access and use, are protected by industrial and intellectual property rights, owned by or from third parties, without being understood to have assigned the rights of exploitation over them beyond what is strictly necessary for the proper use of the Web site.

It is forbidden to decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, sublicense or transmit in any way, translate or carry out works derived from computer programs necessary for the operation, access and use of this website and the services contained therein. The user of the website must refrain in any case from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any of the protection devices or security systems that may be installed on it.

The trademarks, trade names or logos are owned by THE COMPANY or third parties, and it may not be construed that access to the website gives any right over such trademarks, trade names and / or logos.




The links contained in this website may lead the user to other websites and web pages managed by third parties, over which the user has no control, is not responsible for the contents or status of such websites and web pages, and access to them through this website does not imply recommendation or approval of their contents.




Those persons who intend to establish hyperlinks between their Web Site and this portal must comply with the following conditions:

– Prior authorisation shall not be required where